“The darkest thing about Africa has always been our ignorance of it.” George Kimble
Some places just call to you, and Africa has called to me since I was young. During my first trip to East Africa, I changed in monumental and unexpected ways. My love affair with the remote and wide open places in Africa is something that I can’t explain. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I grew up a city girl, surrounded by the sounds of urban life—a tamed life removed from the natural rhythms of the day and night and the seasons. In Africa, I can be in the midst of the sounds that belong there—the weather coming into camp quickly, the birds calling to the morning, the rustling of the animals on the edge of camp, the mating calls of the lions, and the comforting silence of mid-afternoon. In Africa I feel free and alive. All around, there are no cages, no fences, and no walls marking territory or property. It is a freedom that reminds me to pay attention to the silence around me. There are so few places where we can truly be close to the wild and the untamed—but we still need those places. Our connection to the Wild is our connection to our past, present, and future. It is our connection to ourselves.